Saturday, November 21, 2009

The 6 types of female orgasm

1. Dream Orgasm

Even though men can provide physical evidence of such experiences, it does not mean that women who are denied the privilege of having an orgasm while dreaming (with eyes closed). In addition, nocturnal orgasms are living with an intensity far greater than the fair sex reprezentatele. They can wake up sweaty, exhausted and believing strongly that it was more than a dream.

What is interesting about orgasms during sleep is that they occur without the need for some kind of physical stimulation. Sometimes we dream that we have an orgasm, one at a time. They may be accompanied by vaginal contractions strong or not.

The erotic dreams often occur when a woman begins her sexual life, but do not lack most experienced women. A simple meeting can ignite romantic sparks, and may thus lead to nocturnal fantasies.

Medieval theologians have postulated the existence of demons called "hatching" having sex with women while giving them orgasms sleep at night. Witches in that period even pretends to make love with the devil during sleep (if that can be called love).

2. MICRO-orgasmic

They are tiny and extremely subtle orgasms occur without physical stimulation and taking various forms. Beverly Whipple and Gina Ogden Sexologii have investigated whether women can have orgasms just from imagination. The results obtained have been more than encouraging: yes, women can have orgasms only through sexual fantasies, orgasms that can be with or without specific contractions.

There are cases of women who orgasm in situations that could hardly be classified as erotic. Some have an orgasm when you are very frightened or when made enjoyable activities, but without sexual connotation.

And you are happy possessing micro-orgasms. They exist in you. All you have to do is to bring them to the surface.


This category includes so-called vaginal orgasms, orgasms through stimulation of point G, orgasms cervical and any other type of orgasms occurring following intravaginal stimulation (regardless of "subject" that is stimulating). There are subtle differentiation between intra-vaginal orgasms and often can achieve ecstasy by stimulating more sensitive at the same time


Such orgasms are enveloped in mystery and not because it is difficult or impossible to obtain, but because they were not given enough attention in our culture. Energy orgasms are achieved by controlling your breathing and energy that flows through our body. Unlike traditional types of orgasm which aim to release sexual tension, energy orgasms have the purpose (as their name says) power generation.

Some are incredibly strong and others are more subtle. In general, the more time you grant the accumulation of energy, the more you will have more powerful orgasms. You'll feel like your whole body is flooded with a wave of electricity, and sensations may be obtained or not sexual. One thing is certain, this type of orgasm is totally different from everything you've felt before.

Besides electrifying sensations obtained, you will receive a bonus: you will release the suppressed emotions, old mental pain and any other blocks harmful.


The clitoris is the only organ designed solely for pleasure, and orgasms are only achieved by stimulating its not called into doubt.

Clitoral orgasm is of several types and it lasts from several seconds to several minutes! Most times it can be achieved when the clitoris is massaged slightly, and when it is well lubricated.


During a sexual act can never say exactly the type of stimulation that brought you into ecstasy whereas often experience orgasms combined. The combination encountered most often is between clitoridiene and the vaginal orgasms. It would, however, a great loss if it were the only combination possible.

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