Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas crazy sex - Sex on Christmas night

The party late into the night, with full lists of tasks and all the relatives to visit, sex is often "forgotten" during the Christmas holidays.

To get rid of these obstacles, journalists at The Mirror published a series of tricks with which you can keep the flame of passion lit even during Christmas.

1. You have an endless list of things that have to meet the night before Christmas?

Solution: delegation. Ask children to help, buy online rather than wasting hours in town to buy food and endless queues of ready-made holidays, do not prepare yourself.

In the hours that you've saved so long going in the bedroom for a massage with her lover. The sex is not on the list of affairs to be made, but is more pleasant than makeing cookies to midnight ....

2. Your house is full of guests, and the rooms are crammed with relatives. It is impossible to even try to think of sex once in a room your 80-year-old aunt snorers.

The solution: escape from home. The only solution to the problem is to go out with her husband in a romantic walk. Park somewhere discreet and experience teenage kissing in the back seat of the car ... however, keep your clothes on. It is cold and you do not want to be arrested for indecent on Christmas Eve.

3. Children are too fussy and happy while waiting for gifts. In this case, Christmas be one of the most exhausting nights of the whole year. The children are too agitated to sleep.

Solution: Do not expect that children get tired and fall asleep. Try to take advantage in a break that they come out to play in the yard or go to carols. You can withdraw in the bedroom for half an hour, but be careful not to be surprised.

4. Food in abundance, many drinks, pies, cakes Cake and will end up in an indigestion that will not find anything sexy.

Solution: Instead of spending an entire evening in front of a table full of dishes, retregeti up for a romantic picnic in the bedroom. Choose a few delicacies and a bottle of red wine and try to forget people, children and all obligations of the day following. Passion will win in the end all the worries you have.

5. You are too tired after several nights of Christmas extended late into the night. Whether you talk in front stretched the table full of goodies or you danced till morning, with friends, in either case you are too exhausted to think about a night of love.

Solution: Try to retire as early in the bedroom. If you are not obligated to do something, do not waste your time in the living room. To relax as well, try to make a shower together. Children will be in the bedroom asleep, and for you will need to do is enjoy the privacy ...

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