Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sex and health

Erotic Exercises
With all that sex means less power consumption compared to aerobic, for example, though he may be training in maintaining figure. But depends on the intensity with which it is lived sex, since orgasm cause a contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs and abdomen.

Also, breathing and heart rate redouble when sexual arousal, just as happens in case of training carried out on land or in gyms. Another benefit that you will enjoy the most is a "slip" slow in a deep sleep following sexual intercourse.

Since sex requires resistance has been shown that active people are more likely to get a sexual satisfaction than sedentary people, just moving the seat of the chair home office. Conclusion: Take Action to have a happy sex life! Exercise regularly executed will improve your sex life because it helps implicitly and strengthening muscles, the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of mental health.

A healthier heart
A study on a sample of 99 middle-aged men showed that men with sexually active who have sex at least twice a week presents a lower risk of making a heart attack in the next 10 years compared with men who have sex less often. This study was published in the Journal of Epidemiolagy and Community Health "in Britain.

Benefits for her
Some studies attest that sexual activity may prevent endometriosis, a gynecological problem encountered in the pretty women and characterized by the presence of fragments of uterine lining (endometrium) outside their normal location. This can cause pelvic pain, reaching in some extreme cases even to infertility. The study published in a newspaper investigation in gynecology and obstetrics has shown that sexually active women in the menstrual cycle presents opportunities to down 1.5% to face with endometriosis compared with women who refuse sexual intercourse during the menstrual cycle. Why? Uterine contractions during intercourse, especially orgasm, helps eliminate the womb of the fragments of the uterine lining.

Benefits for him
After a period in which it was believed that sexual intercourse increases the risk of prostate cancer, new research in the area have destroyed this myth, demonstrating that frequent ejaculation protects prostate cancer. So, men who ejaculate more than five times per week show a decreased risk by up to 30% to confront this issue, compared with those who ejaculate from 4-7 times a month. During ejaculation, cancer-producing substances are eliminated by the seminal fluid thereby protecting the prostate.

Eliminate Stress
A default and happy sex life improves mood. Orgasm gained through sexual intercourse with a partner or masturbation will eliminate stress because it is issued during a hormone which creates an emotional balance and a feeling of total relaxation. The researchers compared the action to "recharge" the body through orgasm with that of "reboot" of a computer. But attention! An excessive focus on peak puctului may induce a state of stress. Let your frustrations aside and look at the act as a mutual erotic pleasure, regardless of how you conducted.

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