Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do you know that your friend is not trustworthy?

It is said that we choose friends on our own, so we should be very careful of the choices we make in this field. First we must ensure that we keep next to new people trust to help us in difficult moments and with whom to share the joys of life.

Trust is an essential thing in any relationship, especially in a friendly. Any man who is next in your beautiful moments and also sad moments, must be confident, understanding and above all, a reliable person.

To be sure your friends are exactly those people who speak up, look at these signs that may betray a false friend, a friend can not honor your trust and respect.

1. He spoke of evil

A true friend will not judge and will not ever talk bad about you. Even if not always agree with your views or even if not always share the same tastes on various activities, that does not mean you have the right to judge.
If you find that your friend talked bad about you it's time to cataloghezi it as an unreliable person and try to avoid it in future.

2. Is selfish

We all own a lower dose or more than selfishness, but we strive to not use it in front of friends. Think like a true friend will have to be willing to make sacrifices to help in difficult moments.
If a selfish person who always put himself in the forefront, never will be with you when you ask them, but only if you would have something to gain.

3. You can not rely on it

Your friend always late when you meet? Often forget to bring you the things which you have borrowed? It promises a lot but does nothing? Such behavior show that not one person you can rely on hard times.

You need to have almost resolute people who know how to honor promises, rather than ready to take to run when you need to face consequences of their actions.

4. Is coward

A person of faith means, first of all, a strong person. If your friend gives evidence of cowardice often means you will not be able to rely on it in the future. If you want to have a man next to you that you can help, you must first see if it is able to solve their problems and especially if he can-and carry out the responsibilities.

5. Humiliate you in public

I've shared your friend some humiliating experiences that you went and he set about to tell them the amuzandu when you are in a great circle of friends? You need to know a person that you put your trust will never tend to humiliate you. Do not expect things to worsen, but tries to break away from such people.

6. The chatterbox

Test your friend telling you a secret that you have not told anyone. Invent something and see if it is able to keep a secret. If in a few days your so-called secret came out means that your new friend is not exactly discreet person, where it can be inferred that does not deserve your trust.

True friendship is based on affection, trust and respect. No compromise when you choose your entourage. As long as you provide and respect other's wishes should you expect to be treated equally as such do not settle for less.

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