Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The 11 commandments of modern dating

Did he failed to crack a guy and you want to conquer? Find out how going through "The 11 Commandments of Dating". You become a true master in the art of seduction and you'll do as you eat your hands from the first meeting. What should I do? Respect commands seduction and follow the steps proposed by the famous Patti Stanger, on Oprah Winfrey's show.

1. Answer phones in real time

If you received a call from him or SMS, answer them. Not the second two, if you're busy, but not in three days. Best time would be about 48 hours. More than likely you will find a 5 minute break during this time to return a phone call. Stop taking after you see in movies. That theory of romance sites on the big screen, according to which you must wait at least three days up to give a sign, no longer current. We live in rapidity century, and like you, and your claimant may have a busy schedule, which would allow it to stand to give you lessons you good manners.

2. Respect your promises

Show all the time you're a man of his word. If you schedule an appointment, do not cancel under any circumstances. Maybe only if you call 10 minutes before Brad Pitt and I asked the wife. It is important to give him to understand that it can rely on. A fiduciary is a man of his word. So if you made a program, take care to respect.

3. Let him take the first step

Probably you already seem old-fashioned, but continued to sit men enrolled DNA letters a span: Bruises. So you better hide your feminist side, take your eyes off "the deer lost in space" and let Him take the lead. He should call you first, you must remove it first in the city. It is an unwritten rule to be respected. If you think that is shy but you think it will take a century to make a move, you can give him a nudge. For example, invite him to organize a party on him but let him take you to the dance.

4. Leave the past in the past

That means: "no discussion about former". Do not want to have unnecessary headaches. Usually men are afraid of this former partner in their life, thinking that there may be feelings that still affect this relationship.

5. Be enthusiastic

Get involved in talks, ask him advice, be careful and enthusiastic in his words. He must be your point of interest and not that cute bartender who will serve. Very important, when you talk keeps eye contact, you will give to understand that you are with them not only this but also the mind.

6. Do not drink

Can be very tempting few glasses of wine before or during a meeting with a guy to relax. But that does not mean that implies something sexy. Try to limit. You drink a glass of alcohol within two but not more. Eventually you must keep your mind clear to focus and pay attention to the details meeting. Moreover, the image of women that just sticks longer find words is not at all attractive in a man's mind ... never.

7. Do not be materialistic

Not ask for money. Eventually is a potential boyfriend, not your bank loans. If you give him a gift, it is nice to accept. But do not let him never to give you money. After all do not want to give him the feeling that you maintain. Even if at first you think you help by paying your bills or rent, then it will feel like you should actually pay affection.

8. Behave like a real lady

Be polite. Get used to say "please" and "thank you". Do not swear and do not sit with legs sprawling guys. Most men prefer women courteous, well bred and cared for. Of course, this does not mean to let you wait for three o'clock to finish you with makeup. I give to understand that no price put on his time. There is an appropriate attitude for a lady.

9. Show appreciation and admiration

As for women, men love to be complimented. Remember this thing. You could, after a month will also see, was it surprising that a nice gesture to show your appreciation. Cook you dinner or if you know it's crazy in a special chocolate, give them a gift when you meet next time.

10. Do not fall in first night

Kisses, hugs are OK. But nothing more. Take it easy Well, get involved in the relationship first and then choose to have sex. An exchange of sexual favors before the relationship itself to ask this thing will start sautéing them before actually.

11. Avoid instant messaging

You are not at school, as such ceases to send all notes ... even if they are virtual. If you do it, chances that he call you instead to keep a virtual relationship with you are greater. Remember, a woman falls in love by hearing, not through sight. And as long as your hearing is still properly, stay away from your computer. Away from the chat area and goes into real life.

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